How I am making $1million

Tis' N. Dat
6 min readNov 2, 2022

If you are expecting this article to be like every article telling you how they made money by sharing a formula or step by step guide on how they did it then you are in for a surprise on what I have, to share and write here because most of them seem to be missing a very important factor and that is mentioning you. Fair warning though— This isn’t a “monkey-see-monkey-do” thing where I will apply links for you to follow and do what everyone else is doing. My goal for today is to help you stick to “what-YOU-want-to-do” and find a way to do it. What I share today is to help anyone struggling to find what they need to do with their life so that they may reach their best potentials and find their capabilities that is unique by seeking what is important enough so that whatever they plan to do next is something not even money can buy SO let’s see if you can figure out what that is before I reveal the answer towards the end of this article, shall we? Don’t worry, what I share is still useful to help you out on how can you do it in today’s fast-paced world. Let’s figure out what money can’t buy together!

First and foremost we begin most our days by trying to get out of bed and sometimes, waking up can be so hard to do unless we must do something that we gotta' do, a task to go to work, do chores, getting up to socialise, whatever gets us through our days. People have approached me with this similar occurance and same shit-different day scenario and believe it or not, I get it, life happens -and- especially with my job of guide-counselling people with all sorts of problems, life can feel draining and at times, even I may feel exhausted - this is especially difficult when we go home and feel alone, countless thoughts and emotional rollercoasters which makes us want to know why and end up with no plans besides sleeping in hopes of waking up better but this creates a pattern which becomes a behavioural cycle and can leave lingering thoughts in their subconscious until properly confronted. I get it, life can really be such a drag and maybe you're worried no one can listen to your sad-situations without keeping a straight face of no judgement nor that there is anyone who would actually take time to care and most say they do care and keep nodding their head to make you feel like it's okay but how do they know how to care if they can't relate to what you're feeling? Here's a top advice from me, life can be hard but you're still alive and it isn't the end of the world. Normally it isn't as bad as you think as most things are temporary including life so try to practice staying positive. Easiest place to start is by appreciating the little things such as the ability to read, write, learn, see, walk, breathe, experience, etc. The more you can think of, the merrier hence being the more you have. I know it is easier said than done but would you much rather continue being "depressed" and becoming every symptom that comes with it or would you rather decide to be "yourself" (insert name) and decide how you rather experience your life? The choice is yours, whatever has happened to you whether good or bad, you may decide how you experience it next and in between. Would you rather look back in about a year or two and say "I wish I cherished certain moments more" or "I am so glad that I am still here and learnt how to embrace my journey as much as I could?" I know it's hard to think about the future especially when you're dreading over the past but all you have is right now and take this in - whatever you do now will most likely be what determines to happen for you next so to be positive or to stay negative? Connect the dots, attract what you prefer but understand that even a magnet and electric circuit needs both ends-opposite to attract a wholesome possibility. If you think about it though, if you stay positive, you'd pay less attention on what's negative so if something negative were to happen, you'd probably miss out on something that could've bothered you and don't worry, you're not missing out on much especially if you're focused on doing something that brings joy and bliss instead. Just make sure to remember to stay selfless and not burden other people to just have fun though, your actions come with consequences if you are too careless with burdensome acts that may cause other people misery so if you manage to stay positive, try to be nice to others who aren't especially since we all go through different battles of negativities of our own perceptions so be nice. This way, you won't have to worry about learning to behave due to your own inconsiderate mishaps. IF you're still in bed and reading this, it is still a start, we all have our own way to cope and satisfy ourselves and it's okay to not feel okay but trust me - everything is going to be okay. Acknowledge your efforts no matter how small because honestly, the more we make, the less noticeable it becomes, seemingly so to reach our goals but this is only true depending on where you are starting from but let's keep it simple. "Today is a new day" in which it is another day filled with (insert blissful words) as I may even have the chance to possibly experience (insert happy actions). I understand most things are easier said than done but honestly, it is as simple as waking up and trying to create yourself new habits which you could be thankful towards yourself again for when you get home to your abode, thoughtfully expressing a little effort by making the bed so you come home to experience that someone still thought about you from the day that you had. How nice would that be right? I know it sounds too simple but it is definitely a start and wouldn't hurt to begin and you will see the difference once you come home to a bed set up ready for you by you (or someone else)- it only takes a few seconds (as you get better) but normally no longer than 1-2 minutes depending on how you do it. This can also be extra beneficial if you're sharing a bed but remember - you're doing this for self care so it's a win-win. If you are sharing the bed, use it as motivation to show the person you share the bed with that you also care about them too but most importantly, you just like to take care of yourself and it is definitely an admirable quality. 

Believe it or not, the first challenge I mentioned was one of my biggest challenges — once upon a time. I felt like as long as I did enough and had time spared that I should “relax” until I needed to get up to do what I asked myself to do as long as I leave myself just enough time to do so for the day. I would end up sleeping late or not sleeping at all and be prepared to sleep before the sun rises so I can do what must be done but ever since I got into the habit of waking up no matter how late I stayed up by prioritising it. Why prioritising myself to wake up has become an important practice of everyday for me is because for me, how I start my day depends on whom I decide to be when I wake up. For example

Before I begin and get straight to how I am making $1million & I believe what I share will be useful to anyone as I have diligently tested and proven to help many reach their higher potentials. My goal since this is most likely our first encounter as I don’t know your situation as of yet, I can only speak generally so however you’d like to relate & apply my advice is completely up to you but keep in mind that I can only say and do so much but unless you want to help yourself and be open to my efforts is up to you. I am not here to make your choices for you but I hope my message and intentions on what I write and share is self-explanatory enough for you to want to create a better life for yourself. I will keep it as simple as possible to start, initiate and understand —

I will come back to complete this I just need to go on about to do some errands so brb but for now, hope you are interested and feel free to pop up

