Tis' N. Dat
3 min readFeb 6, 2022


Joys of life

Seems as if though it is so hard to feel as if suddenly only reached through finding such a saying of “needle in the hay stack”.

It’s only fair with such hardship and reasons why we become whom we say we should be in belief that it will keep us out of harms way. Ironic enough, it is all a heck of a confusion when one seems to figure or make a sense of a possibility but shame habitual thinking would try to “take you back to the more familiar ways that has carried your destiny for quite some time as logic would be the new caretaker since left so long to believe that is the right way or only way but how do we ever know? Unless we give it a go?

Change must be taken with forward thinking and acted upon through these times of easily slipping back into what is “safe”.

“What”/”when”/”why”/”who”/”where is safe”?

“How” exactly does one know safe as if though one could always predict the future and every outcome but only a person foolish enough to believe that once he understands a certain knowledge, would only frail if they believe mastering a new art of being is “just is” then that will be all they know – hence, by “letting go” whence one understands to allow openness yet possibly to come from anything of any greater or even the smallest – to unravel if given the chance to continue sustainable

/0\Zero may come to be or not to be depending on whether or not allowed by

/1\ Once to be upon a time by entering into its Zones’ Space to bring

/2/Two together as if though opposites attract towards one & another as if though

\3\\ Speed of light zinged across this space and time from different symmetrical energies of different ends of the spectrums to create anew unity that holds possibility

4=For then, shalt be reflected fractions from other ends’ spectrum forming angles corresponding linear through similarities as long as other continuum is

5. Amongst beliefs correlating

6. Doing deeds due

7. Equative evaluation enquired

8. Favouring for finiteness

9. Giving Genuine Grants



12\What for?

13\Why-if ever?

14\Which one?

15…(You do you)

This is not to say all is the same, at all so one some might agree with none, one, most, or half so possibly many would beg to differ and that’s only to be expected – this is only a given example of possibly how some ways are created equal by applying what’s understood to be expanded through pressure placed from what’s known to shine/shed light to show formed brilliance.

From this example – placed into perspective depending on Ones’ current being is placed – wilt be brought through trials-entailed-trivial for whether be brought to be or to not be given enough senses to reach optimal resolve.

When does this matter ? It may never and mean nothing unless/until it does also quoted, “never say never” for reasons only one can see the meaning behind only, “If-ever, let’s say, endeavour by actions being chimes tuning exposure from outward inputs allowed given questions seeded to watch and grow with enough ground breaking synchronicity between fateful encounters between collided-bringing of calamity equality. If one has purpose after concentrated influences fused reasonable coherent then it shalt be amongst “what is”from infused “if’s”.

To possibly set parallel examples through contexts of energetic waves that reasons with why “so is, as so is witten” is :

  • What one piece of valuable insight or knowledge is usually branches of one that has taken place to shed light upon space albeit being black, grey, purple or even the whole lot of colours known – is like how already quoted that “The Apple doesn’t Fall too far from the same tree”
  • You can only experience and live as big as your mind can imagine and envision

I can tell you the possibilities “how” but you know how when you do but if you feel like you must know, please leave a comment and I will do my best to share what need be if asked.

-Dat Nguyen

