Tis' N. Dat
3 min readJul 26, 2021



What is everything all about ?


It begins with you as an individual. Who ?

I am writing this to help you stop to think or process whatever it is, that may be closer to finding whom you truly are. This search is indeed very profound, transcending and/or fulfilling. Yes, it is very important & no, it is not the end of the world if you can’t figure it all out right away hence that is also the beauty in all of this.

Since before Ye be born, life has always been before, during and it will be also, after. What does this all mean though?

Life is so interesting as it works the same and at the same time differently for each and every single one of us, including you.

Where am I going with all of this?

Where is it that you are hoping me to go with all of this ?


IF you are able to read what I am writing, you should be well equipped enough to understand quite a bit about yourself and far from it as life takes us all on one heck of a journey. We all face same-same-but-different challengers and experiences in all of this — that we call life. You may disagree or agree with anything I say as the choice is yours since we are all blessed with free-will so the decisions are all up to each of us to make at the end of the day so I won’t rub you of any of that, not that I am able to — nor anyone else for that matter.

Since day one or even possibly before the day we were born, we all are born with purposes, for reasons, by so-called-’mistakes/accident’ or whatever may be to be alive, roaming, living, breathing and so forth. There comes a time or in a moment of life where we stop to wonder/wander about life’s journey as to where it’s going, where we are going or what is it all for or even possibly ever about? Is it a mere coincidence? (I am a big believer on “everything happens for a reason” but you don’t have to be but the choice, belief, faith or hopefulness of yours is all up to you still).


ALL I AM SAYING IS — Nothing matters until you do something about it. Everything matters if you allow it to. Live the way you believe it shalt be lived but make sure to find yourself first and let life bestow its many wonders awaiting to take place and come by your way. Be open to all, as all our beliefs may be absolutely true to us from A-Z and seem like complete nonsense to someone else but it doesn’t matter — “we are not here to please anyone and the sooner you realise this then you will be able to live happier and more freely”-Quoted by any wise human being. We must all understand that all our beliefs and faiths, hopes, logic albeit religion and political views all branch off under the same tree, sky, sun, moon, space, universe — LIFE.

Amazing right? Yes, indeed.

FOR EXAMPLE — I believe in Good and Bad, like the Yin and Yang, karma hence what goes around goes around. What you do, you receive in another manner of different shapes, forms, sizes through experiences, lessons, etc. Why I state and say different words to explain each things I mean is because I don’t know exactly what it is that may help you understand YOUrself-per-se but You can figure it out if you just stop to find the wisdom from within by asking your heart as your heart does seem to usually have the most plausible answers.

I understand that this may have been a bit random but I would love to hear different authenticity from all walks of life, whom are open to trying to find the truth to their own ways. I will continue to write further down the track and am keen to discover many wonderful individuals of all different kinds seeking through love, intelligence, etc.

Many blessings ALL x

